Common Complaint: Raccoons

Feeling cute, might eat cat food later idk.

Ah, raccoons! The bandit-masked creatures that can turn your home into their own personal five-star resort. But fear not, Cason Wildlife Management is here to help!

Here's what you can expect if raccoons decide to party at your place:

Raccoons love to play hide-and-seek and will go to great lengths to find the perfect hiding spot, like your attic. They'll rip off shingles, gnaw on soffits, and do whatever it takes to get inside. They're like the ultimate home invaders!

Once they're in, they'll wreak havoc. Raccoons love to make their nests in the softest, fluffiest material they can find. Unfortunately, that often means your insulation. They'll also nibble on electrical wiring and ducts because, why not?

Let's talk about the "gift" that raccoons like to leave behind - droppings. Not only is it unsanitary, but it can also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans. And who wants to clean that up?

But don't worry, Cason Wildlife Management has got your back! Here are a few tips to keep raccoons away from your home:

Make your home less appealing by sealing up any holes or gaps in your roof, chimney, vents, or damaged soffits with heavy-duty mesh wire. Raccoons aren't the brightest creatures and will move on to easier targets.

Keep your chimney covered with a cap to prevent raccoons from taking the express route into your home. Raccoons love a good challenge, but not this one!

Trim trees and bushes close to your home to eliminate easy access to the roof. The harder it is to get in, the less likely raccoons will be to try.

Don't leave food out for raccoons - take down bird feeders, keep pet food inside, and secure your garbage cans. A hungry raccoon is a motivated raccoon!

If you're still struggling with raccoons, don't fret! Cason Wildlife Management's experienced Wildlife Control Operators can trap and remove raccoons and their families safely and humanely. So, sit back, relax, and let us take care of the problem for you!


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